Arrangements for safeguarding:
Local arrangements for Safeguarding Adults
Local arrangements for Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding procedure flow chart
Local policies and procedures:
Newbury Manor School - Admissions
Newbury Manor School - Accessibility Local Procedure
Newbury Manor School - Careers Education and Guidance
Newbury Manor School - Children and Young People's Views and Voice
Newbury Manor School - Complaints Procedure
Newbury Manor School - Curriculum Local Procedure
Newbury Manor School - Equal Opportunities and English as an Additional Language
Newbury Manor School - First Aid Local Procedure
Newbury Manor School - Health and Safety Responsibilities
Newbury Manor School - Health and Wellbeing Local procedure
Newbury Manor School - Local Safeguarding procedure
Newbury Manor School - Provider Access Policy
Newbury Manor School - Positive Behaviour Procedure
Newbury Manor School - Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy
Newbury Manor School - Risk Assessment and Risk Management
Newbury Manor School - Safeguarding Children in Education
Newbury Manor School - Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
Newbury Manor School - Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Local Procedure
Group policies:
The following group policies are implemented at all of our Aspris Children’s Services sites. Please click here to access these policies.
- Anti Bullying Policy (ACS 03)
- Anti Bullying Policy - Scotland (ACS 03B)
- Anti Bullying Policy - Wales (ACS 03A)
- Admissions Policy (AC S11)
- Admissions Policy - Wales (AC S11A)
- Complaints Policy (AOP03)
- Complaints Policy - Wales (AOP03A)
- Complains Policy - Scotland (AOP03B)
- Curriculum Policy (ACS 31)
- Curriculum Policy - Wales (ACS 31A)
- Equal Opportunities and EAL Policy (ACS 26)
- Equal Opportunities and EAL Policy - Wales (ACS 26A)
- Exclusions Policy (ACS 37)
- First Aid Policy (AH&S15)
- First Aid Policy - Scotland (AH&S15B)
- First Aid Policy - Wales (AH&S15A)
- Health and Well-being Policy (ACS 17)
- Health and Safety Policy (AH&S01)
- Health and Safety Policy Statement
- Missing from Care or Education Policy (ACS06)
- Positive Behaviour Support Policy (ACS S04)
- Positive Behaviour Support Policy - Wales (ACS S04A)
- Relationships and Sexual Education Policy (ACS 20)
- Responding to Suspected Radicalisation (AOP08.1)
- Risk Assessment and Risk Management Policy (ACS 13)
- Safeguarding Children in Education Policy - England (AOP06)
- Safeguarding Children in Education Policy - Wales (AOP06B)
- Safeguarding Children in Residential Care Policy (AOP06A)
- Safeguarding Adults Policy (AOP08)
- Safeguarding Adults Policy - Wales (AOP08A)
- SEND Policy (ACS 33)
- Whistleblowing Policy (Protected Disclosure) (AOP21)
School information:
Newbury Manor School
Mells, Nr. Frome
BA11 3RG
T: 01373 814 980
To contact the Head Teacher:
Rebecca McArthur
Acting Head Teacher, Newbury Manor School
T: 01373 814 980
To contact the Regional Director:
Rebecca McArthur
Regional Director and Chair of Governors
Nancy O'Regan, Chief Operating Officer
Chair for the Proprietor
Aspris Children's Services Limited
2 Barton Close,
Grove Park,
Leicester, LE19 1SJ