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Admissions criteria

Roehampton Gate School is a specialist day school for children and young people aged 7-19 year olds with a diagnosis of a mild to moderate autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), high functioning autism or associated learning difficulties.

The school offers co-educational secondary provision for up to 75 learners. Our small class sizes allow us to deliver highly individualised learning packages in very small groups, typically with up to 8 young people per class. We have a high staff to student ratio and some of our students are supported on a one-to-one or one-to-two basis.

Applications for admission to our school are considered on a rolling basis. To gain greater understanding of the young person and to assist the assessment process, parents/Local Authorities are asked to provide copies of the young person’s Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and current reports such as their Annual Review, Psychologist/ Psychiatrist, Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy reports.

Come and visit our school

A visit to our school is a two-way process in which the student and staff assess if the school is suitable to meet their needs. It is an opportunity to view our specialist classrooms and to meet key staff. It may include observational assessment within a classroom setting to identify whether the young person’s needs can be met in regard to ability, aptitude and education.

Joining in with class routine within an unfamiliar setting may prove difficult for some children or young people. We understand this and staff are highly supportive of the needs and will be available throughout the visit and our existing students are very welcoming. We are proud of our trained student ‘mentors’; one of their roles is to support anxious newcomers. To arrange a visit to our school, please call us today on 0208 392 4410.

Contact Us

Roehampton Gate School
Priory Lane,
London, SW15 5JJ

Telephone: 0208 392 4410
Email: RoehamptonGateReferrals@aspriscs.co.uk

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