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Moving into a new school or moving from school into adulthood can be both an exciting, yet also overwhelming time for a young person and their family. We empower students to make informed decisions about their future, so they are in the best position to thrive and reach their potential.

A co-ordinated approach to transition

We believe that successful transitions must consider the young person’s needs from all angles and involve all key stakeholders. Aspris Education's schools and colleges bring together staff, external partners and all stakeholders to build, implement and monitor bespoke transition pathways. This may include co-ordinating input from:

  • Commissioners
  • Independent Reviewing Officers
  • Local Authority personnel
  • Parents/carers
  • Representatives from the new provision
  • School/college education team
  • School/college residential team
  • School/college SENCO
  • School/college therapy team
  • Social services
  • The young person

Supporting smooth transitions into an Aspris Education schools or college

Starting a new placement can be a daunting time for a young person, particularly those with anxiety-driven conditions who find it difficult to cope with new situations. Every young person who joins one of our services follows a transition programme, which aims to help them settle in quickly, lay down roots and build foundations. We offer a number of initiatives to help ensure smooth inbound transitions and maximise the chance of a successful placement, such as:

  • Regular opportunities for young people to share their views
  • Visits to the student’s home
  • Visits to the student’s current school
  • Peer mentors
  • Allocated keyworkers
  • Staged transitions, building up from part-time to full-time attendance
  • New student days where young people joining the school/college can meet one another

Looking to the future from day one

Aspris Education believes that transitions are not just about helping young people reach the next stage of their life, but equipping them with the confidence, social and independence skills they need to flourish once they are there.

We begin planning students’ onward transitions from their very first day with us, looking at the outcomes they want to achieve and the steps we need to put in place to make this happen. We offer a range of support to ensure our young people have the best chance of a successful onward transition, including:

  • Developing independence through a varied curriculum and therapeutic support
  • Help with applications to onward placements
  • Life skills training programme
  • Specialist careers guidance and pathways into sustainable employment
  • Supported work experience placements
  • Taster days at possible onward placements

Where do our young people move on to?

We will always support a young person to leave school/college at the point which is most appropriate for their individual progress, chosen pathway and Local Authority policy. The systems we have in place provide the necessary level of support to help young people make the appropriate transition at the optimum time into:

  • Adult services
  • Apprenticeships and Internships
  • Employment
  • Further education
  • Mainstream education
  • Supported living
  • University
  • Work-based training

We are pleased to say that many of our past students keep in touch with us, letting us know how they have gone on to lead independent, fulfilling lives.

Supporting onward pathways

Transitions are always tailored to the individual’s chosen onward journey. Whatever age a young person moves on from one of our Aspris Education schools/colleges, and wherever they are transitioning to, we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive system of support. This may include:

  • 1:1 support to help students build relationships in their new setting
  • Accompanied familiarisation visits to onward placements
  • Accompanied taster days in employment
  • Follow up reviews to ensure the transition is progressing well
  • Formal transition reviews
  • Looking into semi-independent living options back in their home community
  • Regular quality assurance visits to external onward placements
  • Support with finding employment
  • Supporting attendance at a new college