We understand that deciding where to send your child to school is a big decision and that you need as much information as possible to help you make the right choice for you and your family. Please find here a dedicated area providing helpful information for parents and carers, including FAQs and our school term dates.
Apps and communication for parents
Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families use every day to build close-knit communities by sharing what’s being learned in the classroom home through photos, videos, and messages.
- Stories - instantly updating streams of messages, pictures and videos similar to a Twitter-style timeline. School Story helps teachers to share with all families connected to their school while Class Story helps teachers to share with all families connected to their class.
- Messages - Messages allow teachers and parents to message each other, without needing to share phone numbers or contact details. Staff will respond to any messages from parents within 24 hours. Messages sent out of hours will not be seen by the teacher until the next working day.
- Dojo or Monster points - Teachers use Class Dojo to promote positive behaviours in their classroom. Each child gets a monster avatar, and teachers can award Dojos for things such as staying on task, meeting a target, being kind or brilliant. Each student’s monsters can only be customised from within a student account.
Logging in:
Please find our winter menu here.
Curriculum Maps outlining each of our subjects are available below:
- Animal Care
- BTEC Sport
- Cooking (option)
- DT (option)
- English
- Cooking/DT (core)
- Humanities
- Maths
- PE
- Science
- Swimming
- Drama
- Art/Photography
- Music
- Cooking (P16)
Local Authority and Transport Contacts
Main email – Passenger_Transport@BATHNES.GOV.UK
Tel: main switchboard 01225 477000 or 01225 394380
Home to School Travel
email - home.school.travel@bristol.gov.uk or passengerservices@bristol.gov.uk
Tel: 0117 9037671 or 0117 9036342
Information Booklets
School Calendar
To view the school calendar for 2024-25, click here.
To view uniform options please, click here.Ofsted
Please find more information on our latest Ofsted report here.
To take part in Ofsted's Parent View survey, click here.
Keeping your child safe online
For a range of information about keeping yourself or a child you know safer from any online abuse, please visit: www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/