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Education services

Tadley Court School offers a broad and structured curriculum which is differentiated according to each young person’s level of need. During the Primary phase pupils follow an adapted National Curriculum covering all subjects with an emphasis on Communication, Literacy , Numeracy and PSHE. As pupils move into Key stage 3 and 4 pupils continue their individual programmes and begin work towards lifelong skills. 

Following a baseline assessment on Entry into Post 16 pupils begin work on Entry Level and ASDAN accredited programmes, Academic and Vocational College Courses, travel training, work skills and Enterprise. Where appropriate pupils complete work experience placements and community access programmes. 

Each pupil has an Individual Education Plan ensuring appropriate targets are set and reviewed every half term to support Communication, Social and Academic development.

In addition to offering a range of on-site teaching and learning, we also have strong links with three local colleges (Newbury, Basingstoke and Queen Mary’s). Our students are able to access a wide range of courses and accreditations up to Level 3 through these partnerships.